With over 150 stages in the books, we have learned a lot! I started off buying so many odds and ends, buying items that are too small or really just don't serve the right purpose. I created this to hopefully help new home stagers just getting started, or for those who are attempting to DIY. Remember, even if something is not exactly your personal style, that is okay. You are not buying your home back. We are trying to appeal to the most amount of buyers and the items selected really help to neutralize spaces so anyone can see your home as their home.
I recommend buying at least 2 of everything, but if you are just starting out or only need to stage one property, this is a great place to start! I try not to go overboard with decorative items because I do not want buyers focused on how a place is decorated. I want them focused on your listing itself. We try to add just enough to capture an emotional connection, a warm and inviting feel where buyers can look around and visualize what their life would be like if they lived there.
Go neutral + light. Light colored throw blankets and pillows help brighten any space, which also helps the space feel larger. Avoid bold colors. Stick to whites, creams, beiges, grays and blues. A soft blue is perfect to add to any space because blue is a calming color and instantly makes people feel at ease.
fun fact:
I add a front door welcome mat at every property I am hired to stage. It immediately captures buyers attention as they are walking through the front door to either "welcome home" "home sweet home" or "our home".
We hope this helps serve you in the best way. Should you need help with knowing exactly what items you need, or need help pulling the pieces together, remember we offer virtual and in person services to ensure you are set up for success when it is time for MLS photos!
Stay tuned for more to come!